
Monday, May 6, 2013

God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called

I have exactly 30 days until I enter the MTC...
30 DAYS!!!
Holy cow! The time has gone by soo quickly; I don't know where it went!
Today was my last day of mission prep at SLCC at yesterday was my last day of mission prep with my stake.
Both classes have been so helpful, without them I would be going in totally clueless.
Okay, so maybe I am still clueless (: However, I feel more comfortable going to the MTC than I would without my amazing teachers.
They have taught me so much and have so much love for each of their students.
I hope that people I teach can feel the same way about me!
I feel so inadequate to teach the wonderful people in Missouri and Illinois, but I know that if I work hard and do my best Heavenly Father will guide me.
These quotes have been super helpful to me lately while preparing. They make me feel so much better.
Did I mention I am leaving in 30 days?!?!
I keep wanting to cry because I am happy and because I am sad! I am just all over the place.
I already feel so much love for Missouri and the people there and I wish I could be there now! On the other hand I will miss my family and friends so much! I wish I had more time at home, but I am so excited to leave earlier! (all over the place, right?)
My last day of work here in Salt Lake is next Tuesday and originally I was supposed to have a month to spend time with my family and get ready. Now I have two weeks!!
I still need to go shopping! I thought I had purchased plenty of good clothes, but basically DownEast has let me down. My clothes didn't hold up well. Boo hoo, I have to go shopping again? That will be torturous.
It is just starting to sink in that I am going to be gone for 18 months. I won't be able to call my parents or bother my sisters or brother for 18 months. I can honestly say I am scared to death, but at the same time I feel incredibly peaceful and know that this is going to be an incredible and spiritual experience.
I am so glad that I am able to serve a mission and that through my preparations I have been able to feel closer to the Savior. I know without a doubt that this is the true church and I want to share it with everyone!
Now I just need to get the MTC (in 30 days!) to learn how to share it!
Whoop whoop!

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